
You can add functionalities to your bathroom provided you have the necessary space. However, modern renovations are more technical, and using these methods, adding more functionalities to smaller bathrooms has now become possible. So, whether you have a small bathroom in Sydney or any of its suburbs, if you are planning to add functionalities, this post can help.

Let us now take a look at what needs to be added during the renovation process to make the room more useful.

Residential Bathroom

Adding More Storage with Planning

By adding more storage to your bathroom space, you can easily add functionality to your bathroom. But it needs to be done with proper planning if you have a smaller bathroom. Anyway, for your towels and toiletries, you can consider adding cabinets, shelves, and medicine storage to your bathroom. It is always a good idea to add these to the empty wall. Or, you can place them on the floor too. But as mentioned already, you will need to invest in a company offering modern bathroom renovations in Sydney and its suburbs, if you want the functionality to be added perfectly.

Shower Upgrades is a Nifty Solution

To make your bathroom look more attractive and give it a premium feel, you should upgrade your shower. This is a functional solution and can be done with bathroom renovations in Wahroonga or any other Sydney suburb.

You can add a new faucet, shower head, valves, etc. accessories to make the showers look attractive. To enhance the overall bathroom experience, you can also install a steam shower or a bench seat.

Natural Lighting is Another Way of Adding Functionality

Bathroom functionality also means making the area look more spacious. You can achieve this with a renovation where natural light will be added to the bathroom.

If there is low lighting, you can ask the renovators to add a skylight or a larger window. However, this can only be achieved if your bathroom has enough ceiling space. At the same time, creating a window or a skylight can add to your costs and require extra property modifications.

Add Wall Colours that will Make Bathroom Spacious

You can notice that the best bathroom renovations in Sydney and those done in the suburbs have neutral colours added to their walls.

Renovators prefer these colours since they help create a relaxing atmosphere. Some of the wall colours that you can consider for adding functionality include grey, white, and beige, along with textures such as stone, wood, etc.

Add Premium Fixtures

With efficient bathroom renovations in Hornsby, you can make the area more useful. For this, you will need to include high-quality fixtures. The good thing is that they are available in various styles and colours. Moreover, they are durable and can help save on water and energy bills.

If you follow these five renovation ideas, you can transform your bathroom without experiencing complications.

Hire Top Bathroom Renovators Proficient in Making Bathrooms Functional

To make your existing bathroom more functional, you should hire bathroom renovators from Gemstone Home Renovations since we are experts in this domain. To schedule an appointment with us, call us at 1300 668 152 or click the ‘Free Consultation, Free Quote’ button on the homepage, and fill out the form to get a free estimate.